Man eats burger while struggling with signs of an eating disorder

Signs of an Eating Disorder

Disordered eating can completely take over a person’s life, affecting them physically, emotionally, and mentally. It can lead to serious health issues such as malnutrition, electrolyte imbalances, heart problems, and gastrointestinal complications. In some cases, disordered eating patterns can even be life-threatening. It’s important to be able to recognize the signs of an eating disorder…

Neurodivergence Program

Individuals with neurodivergence may experience and interact with the world differently than most due to the unique way their brain processes information. Neurodiverse adults offer a distinct perspective and strengths that benefit relationships, communities, and workplaces. However, research indicates that neurodiverse individuals also face higher than-average rates of unemployment, mental health problems, and loneliness. True…