Even the calmest people are having anxiety over our present situation. COVID-19 is inherently anxiety-provoking, and these times are unprecedented. The world has never experienced an episode of global shutdown on this scale, and we’re all trying to adapt while facing a lot of unknowns. So if you’re feeling excessively anxious, know that you’re not alone—even when you’re physically isolated. There are multiple avenues for generalized anxiety disorder treatment that can help you during this crisis.
We’re all experiencing some level of concern and uncertainty over the coronavirus outbreak. We’re worried about our health, our finances, and our loved ones. There’s no way around it. We have to face it head-on. Here are some ways that our treatment center at True Life can help you cope and work through your anxiety during the pandemic.
How To Know When You Need Anxiety Treatment
When our anxiety becomes unmanageable, we need to reach out and seek compassionate care. Psychotherapy and medication options can be powerful resources as you navigate your troubled feelings. With the proper assessment, evaluation, and diagnosis, a dedicated professional can tailor a treatment course that works for you. You may feel like it’s impossible to find the help you need during an outbreak, but don’t let that be an obstacle to finding the help you need. Mental health is as important as physical health, and the consequences of not receiving treatment can be serious. So make sure you reach out if you’re in need. First, check in with yourself and stay on the lookout for classic symptoms of anxiety:
- Excessive and irrational fear and worry
- Overall feelings of intense apprehension and/or dread
- Constantly watching for signs of peril
- Anticipating that the worst will happen
- Problems with concentration
- Feelings of tension and jumpiness
- Overall and intense irritability
- Feeling that your mind has gone blank
These emotional signs can trigger physical symptoms activated by the body’s natural fight or flight response. These physical symptoms include: shortness of breath, feelings of being dizzy, an overabundance of stomach enzymes that results in stomachache, unusually frequent urination, diarrhea, headaches, sweating, and pounding heartbeat.
Am I Having An Anxiety Attack?
An anxiety attack can include the following symptoms:
- You feel as if you have lost control or that you are going insane
- Heart palpitations and/or chest pain
- The sensation that you are going to faint
- Problems with your breathing
- Feeling like you are choking
- Hyperventilation
- Hot flashes and/or chills
- Trembling and/or shaking
- Intense nausea or stomach cramping
- Feeling detached from reality
Where To Go For Anxiety Treatment for COVID-19
The internet is a great place to identify resources that can help you cope with anxiety treatment for COVID-19. Thousands of anxiety treatment locations throughout the country can match you with great individual or group therapy to help identify, understand, and work through with your issue. Even during mandated social distancing, you can still receive the vital anxiety treatment you need. True Life Center is here for you at 858.202.1822 if you need help.
Please don’t hesitate to seek anxiety treatment if you are having intense symptoms of anxiety or an anxiety attack. Our providers are considered essential healthcare workers, and we are available to you now. If your symptoms are severe and debilitating, head to your local emergency room where trained mental health professionals are on-site to help you and can be a great local resource in a moment of acute need.
Excessive Anxiety Requires Treatment
The technology we enjoy today is bridging the gap created by social distancing. We can see our loved ones on our cellphones and enjoy virtual visits with them. We encourage you to seek out and cultivate any other stress-relieving activities and habits that appeal to you as a way to manage overall anxiety. The overwhelming effect of COVID-19 has not set in just yet. We have a long way to go in this crisis. The next several weeks may feel like an eternity. But with a combination of self-care and proper treatment, we can navigate this difficult time together.
If someone you know is experiencing anxiety symptoms that are getting in the way of maintaining a healthy mental and physical balance during this crisis, do not hesitate to gently recommend seeking anxiety treatment. The same is true for yourself. Reach out to us at True Life Center at 858.202.1822 for anxiety treatment to alleviate excessive anxious behavior. We are here to help you find a way through the concerns and uncertainties you’re facing and come up with a plan to get you back on track, living your best life as your most authentic self.