If you experience sudden episodes of intense fear or anxiety for no apparent reason that feel like cortisol is being dumped into your bloodstream, you may have the diagnosis of panic disorder. Typically there is not an explicit trigger that causes the panic, but these episodes are so frightening, that patients often go to the ER thinking they’re having a heart attack. True Life Center offers help in treating and managing panic disorder in our mental wellness and addiction treatment center in San Diego, CA.
At True Life Center, we can diagnose your condition to determine if you have panic disorder or some other related mental health condition. Regardless of what problems you may be dealing with, we provide hope and encouragement, as well as comprehensive therapy and treatment. You do not have to battle panic disorder alone.
If you or someone you care about is interested in learning more about managing panic disorder and panic disorder treatment in general, reach out to True Life Center today online or call us at 866.420.1792.
What Causes Panic Disorder?
When you visit True Life Center for panic treatment, one of the first things that we do is determine the root cause of your condition. This initial evaluation is the foundation. At that point, our clinical experts can begin the work of designing a treatment program that will allow you to start managing your panic disorder.
Common causes of panic disorder include genetics, intense stress, sensitivity to specific events or environments, a past trauma (PTSD), and unique aspects of brain function. We can help you find the cause and administer the appropriate panic treatment or, if we find the root cause is trauma, we can treat you in our PTSD treatment program.
Symptoms of Panic Disorder
The most evident sign of panic disorder is that your panic attacks occur without warning and for no apparent reason. You could be sleeping, at work, driving your car, or spending time with your friends when your panic attack happens.
While certain things trigger panic attacks, these triggers do not have to be something big or important. You can be triggered by a sensory experience, a conversation, or a feeling that suddenly comes over you.
Symptoms of panic attacks may include:
- A sense of impending danger or a feeling of gloom and doom
- An inability to breathe or sudden loss of bodily control
- A quickened heart rate that does not seem to slow down
- Sweating, hot flashes, or chills
- Trembling and shaking
- Headache, chest pain, or nausea
You may also cramp up, get light-headed, or feel a tingling sensation all over your body. Symptoms usually occur as a result of mental or emotional distress that is out of control.
Managing Panic Disorder
The best way of managing panic disorder is to seek treatment from an experienced team of clinicians. Our panic treatment program in Southern California offers a safe and relaxed environment where you can begin managing your panic disorder in the presence of compassionate experts.
We offer a wide range of treatments so that you can choose the right therapy to meet your needs. Some of our treatments include our:
- Neurobiological integration approach
- Anxiety disorder treatment program, which includes panic treatment, social anxiety disorder treatment, and OCD treatment
- Trauma therapy program, which includes acute stress disorder treatment, childhood trauma treatment, and PTSD treatment
- Mood disorder treatment program, which includes treatment for major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder
- Co-occurring treatment for individuals who need help managing their panic disorder while battling addiction
Panic Disorder and Substance Abuse
You may have turned to alcohol or other substances as a way to manage your panic disorder. This is a typical response to dealing with any mental health issue. If so, you may have also become dependent on certain substances or alcohol and formed an addiction.
We offer co-occurring treatment that addresses both your panic disorder and your addiction. You may need separate forms of therapy for each so that you receive a comprehensive treatment plan.
Contact Us Today About Panic Disorder Treatment
True Life Center is committed to helping individuals find and express their authentic self. When suffering is deep and enduring, understanding the path forward brings comfort and hope. Our aim is to provide a comprehensive map for long-term recovery and optimal health. We listen carefully to you and your loved ones to understand and co-collaborate in the creation of your True Life Recovery Plan. Finding treatment for mental illness may seem challenging right now, but it’s only a phone call away. Five minutes of your time can give you the key to years of stability and contentment. Give us a ring to start your journey to healing today.
If you or someone you care about needs help managing a panic disorder, know that with help, you can overcome it. There is hope at True Life Center. To get started, reach out to us online or call us today at 866.420.1792.